Red Hat Certified Specialist in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Exam (EX342)

Prove your skills to analyze for common issues
The performance-based Red Hat Certified Specialist in Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting exam (EX342) tests your ability to analyze Red Hat Enterprise Linux®

systems for common issues that may cause degradation or loss of performance and either correct the issues or gather forensic information that can be passed along to a third party.

By passing this exam you earn a Red Hat Certified Specialist that also counts toward earning a Red Hat Certified Architect credential.

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Individuell examination
  • Pris: 7 490 kr
    Exklusive moms
  • Kod: EX342K
  • Format: Individuell examination
    Välj ett tillfälle som passar dig och genomför remote eller hos Lexher, Kista, i enskilt Red Hat-certifierat examineringsrum med fullständig teknisk utrustning.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting with exam (RH343)

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